XAT Info, Articles, FAQs, Information, etc.
Here you will find published information we are freely sharing after years of experience and thousands of hours of research, hunting, and translation.
Our specialty is big body RWD Toyotas, everything from the Crown to the Century, and from the Tacoma to the Land Cruiser. Information posted is to the best of our knowledge and has been verified with hard data, unless otherwise mentioned.
We believe it's important to stay informed and eliminate as many wrong answers as possible. Help us stop the spread of misinformation (such as "the earliest 1UZ is the best UZ engine"), and check back frequently as we continue to add to and update this portion of the website!
XAT Racing
- XAT Legacy / About Us
- Project Builds/Show Off (entire section is under heavy construction)
- What's involved in importing a Japanese car? Why is it so expensive?
Parts Installation Documents
- CD009/JK/1E Nissan 350Z/370Z 6 speed Install - UZ, JZ, or GZ
- Twin disc QuarterMaster install - Nissan 6 speed
- Twin disc Quarter Master install - Toyota R series
- ARP UZ V8 Head/Main Stud Kits - 1UZ, 2UZ, or 3UZ
- XAT LS460 brake upgrade install
- UZ to W or R series transmission adapter
- Engine break in procedure (all XAT built engines)
- XAT 3UR solid lifter install
- ARP 3UR Head Stud Kit install
- ARP 3UR Main Stud Kit install
- Which UZ Engine Is Best? 1UZ, 1UZ VVTi, 2UZ, or 3UZ?
- 10th gen Toyota Crown (1995-1999) hardtop (Royal Saloon, Royal Touring)
- 1st gen Toyota Celsior/Lexus LS400 (1989-1994)
- 2nd gen Toyota Celsior/Lexus LS400 (1995-2000)
- 80 series JDM Land Cruiser (1990-1997)
- 1st gen Toyota Altezza/IS300 (1998-2005)
- 11th gen Toyota Crown (1999-2005)
- Original Estate (wagon, including Athlete) sales brochure scan
- Original Royal Saloon sedan sales brochure scan
- Original Athlete sedan sales brochure scan
Other fun stuff